House Calls: Real Docs, Real Talk™

House Calls video host, Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention at the American Heart Association, answers your important questions about managing your heart and brain health to help you live a longer, healthier life.

Dr. Eduardo Sanchez

House Calls - Real Docs, Real Talk, logoWe at House Calls understand you have a lot to manage in your daily lives and want to make managing your heart and brain health easier. Whether you want to prevent or better your health, House Calls can address your questions with answers that will fit into your daily routine. American Heart Association House Calls host, Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention, carefully reviews your question and offers science-backed advice on heart health habits and conditions, such as:

  • Diet, Nutrition and Healthy Eating
  • Sleep
  • Flu, Covid, and RSV
  • Importance of Learning CPR
  • Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Attack and Stroke Recovery
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease and Menopause and other Life Stages

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Get To Know House Calls Host Dr. Eduardo Sanchez

Meet Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, the American Heart Association's chief medical officer for prevention, and the host of the weekly YouTube program House Calls: Real Docs, Real Talk. Dr. Sanchez is a first generation U.S. citizen whose parents were born and raised in the Dominican Republic. He is a family practice doctor by training and the former director of the Texas State Health Department. On House Calls, Dr. Sanchez offers information about health issues and science-backed advice to help you live a longer healthier life.

Las diferencias entre infarto y paro cardíaco

El ataque cardíaco y el paro cardíaco repentino son emergencias médicas graves, pero no son lo mismo. Un ataque cardíaco ocurre cuando se bloquea el flujo de sangre al corazón. Un paro cardíaco ocurre cuando el corazón deja de latir repentinamente. La única forma de salvar la vida de una persona es reiniciar el corazón mediante RCP y un DEA. En este episodio de House Calls: Real Docs, Real Talk, el Dr. Eduardo Sánchez explica qué le sucede al corazón durante un ataque cardíaco, en qué se diferencian el paro cardíaco y el ataque cardíaco y qué hacer en caso de cualquiera de las emergencias.

Los síntomas de un ataque cardíaco pueden ser diferentes en las mujeres

Los signos de un ataque cardíaco son diferentes para las mujeres. Al igual que ocurre con los hombres, el síntoma de ataque cardíaco más común en las mujeres es dolor o malestar en el pecho. Pero las mujeres pueden experimentar otros síntomas que normalmente están menos asociados con un ataque cardíaco, como dificultad para respirar, náuseas/vómitos y dolor de espalda o mandíbula. También es más probable que las mujeres ignoren sus síntomas. El Dr. Eduardo Sánchez comparte lo que debes saber sobre los ataques cardíacos en hombres y mujeres.

Can a migraine cause a stroke?

People who get migraines - especially women - are at higher risk for having a stroke. Dr. Eduardo Sanchez shares how migraine sufferers can lower their risks on this episode of House Calls.

What is a migraine?

A migraine is more than a bad headache. Find out what they are and some common triggers for migraine headaches from Dr. Eduardo Sanchez on this episode of House Calls.

Migraines and your heart health

A migraine is much more than a bad headache. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so bad that it makes it hard to do everyday things. Can migraines cause a stroke? What's the link between migraines and high blood pressure? What can I do to protect my health if I experience migraine headaches? Watch House Calls with Dr. Eduardo Sanchez to get answers to your migraine questions.

Las causas más comunes de dolor en el pecho

El dolor de pecho no siempre significa un ataque al corazón o enfermedad cardiovascular. El Dr. Eduardo Sánchez explica tres causas comunes de dolor en el pecho -- reflujo gastroesofágico, angina y enfermedad de las arterias coronarias -- en House Calls.

Episodes by Topic

Full Playlist — House Calls: Real Docs, Real Talk

House Calls: Real Docs, Real Talk | The Doctor is in!
Check out the full playlist on YouTube.

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Stories of the Relentless

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