Check In & Check Up for Your Health with Sybil Wilkes

In the latest show on June 27, Sybil and guests discuss the importance of hands-only CPR.

Get some perspective on what’s happening with Check In & Check Up for Your Health, where Sybil Wilkes will bring together influential leaders and the Black community to address the health disparities Black people face.

Peripheral Artery Disease

September 21, 2023

In this show, Sybil, along with PAD patient Lynn Amos, vascular surgeon Dr. Lee Kirksey, and comedian J. Anthony Brown talk about peripheral artery disease and the risk for Black Americans.

Watch the show on PAD

Check in & Check Up for Your Health graphic

In case you missed it...

Stress and Heart Health

Thursday, May 29, 2023
A conversation with Sybil Wilkes, Dr. Michelle Albert and Comedian Rodney Perry.

Stress and Stroke

Thursday, May 18, 2023
Sybil and special guests, Yolanda Starks White and Aprylete Russell, discuss these timely topics.

Black Maternal Health Week

Thursday, April 13, 2023
Sybil and special guests, Erica Campbell, Dr. Karol Watson, Shemellar Davis and Kanisha Ffriend discuss Black maternal health.

A Matter of the Heart

Thursday, February 16, 2023
Sybil, Dr. Katherine Y. Brown, the Divine 9 Sorority presidents, and 2023 Real Woman Leslie Jordan talk about why CPR should matter to Black Americans.

A Conversation with Trailblazing Cardiologist, President of the AHA, Dr. Michelle Albert

Thursday, February 9, 2023
Sybil and Dr. Michelle Albert discuss how racial and ethnic discrimination impacts heart disease, and how we can achieve greater health equity together.

Be the Beat Logo

Take the CPR Challenge to Save Lives

Nearly 3 out of 4 cardiac arrests that don't happen in hospitals, happen in homes. You can help change this statistic. Join American Heart Association's challenge to the be the one in your household to learn CPR. Be the beat for someone you love.

Past Shows

Scroll through our 2022 shows on-demand covering a variety of health topics.
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In the U.S., health inequities are systematic differences in the health status of different groups, and are the result of barriers such as racism, poverty, discrimination, lack of affordable housing, quality education and access to health care. The American Heart Association is fighting to decrease these disparities with our 2024 Health Impact Goal, a dedicated Office of Health Equity and consumer facing initiatives like EmPOWERED to Serve. These initiatives include programs focused on capital access for scholars and business innovators, working with strategic alliances and corporate supporters and targeted campaigns.

We are excited to work alongside YoSy Media as a sponsor of Check In & Check Up for Your Health, where Sybil Wilkes addresses the health of Black America using humor, facts, and influencers to make a call to action for the Black community to prioritize their health.