End Opioid Misuse

Advocate for Change: Science-Based Opioid Training and Education Can Help Fight the Opioid Epidemic in Our Communities at the Most Risk

Given the increased opioid and stimulant usage by Black/African Americans and Hispanics, the Opioid Response Network is implementing new initiatives with trusted voices, like the American Heart Association. Systemic racism among medical professionals and other inequities within health care can lead to discriminatory practices in prescribing opioids and treating pain in Black and Hispanic people, leading to harmful outcomes including overdose or death.

That’s why it’s crucial for advocates and community leaders to learn more about opioid misuse, how an overdose occurs, how to recognize it, and what to do during an opioid-associated emergency.

This lesson offers actionable steps and resources to help with:

  • Opioid education and training.
  • Opioid overdose and addiction.
  • Support in recovery.

Understanding the urgency:

As an EmPOWERED to Serve ambassador to end opioid misuse, you will be at the front lines, helping combat the opioid epidemic and bringing solutions to communities involving de-stigmatization through language and recovery.

Opioid Education for Nonclinical Staff and Lay Responders | This video will provide a basic understanding of the opioid epidemic, and how to recognize and respond to a person who has potentially overdosed on opioids.
Educación sobre opiáceos para personal no médico y rescatadores legos | Este video proporcionará una comprensión básica de la epidemia de opiáceos y cómo reconocer y responder a una persona que potencialmente ha tenido una sobredosis de opioides.